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Review | Updated:2024-07-30
    • Research Progress on Epidural Electrical Stimulation for Motor Disorders after Spinal Cord Injury

    • WU Xin

      1 ,  

      REN Binbin

      2 ,  
    • Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences)   Vol. 45, Issue 4, Pages: 519-529(2024)
    • DOI:10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240617.010    

      CLC: R493
    • Published:20 July 2024

      Received:06 April 2024

      Accepted:30 May 2024

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  • WU Xin,REN Binbin.Research Progress on Epidural Electrical Stimulation for Motor Disorders after Spinal Cord Injury[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2024,45(04):519-529. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240617.010.



    In recent years, the incidence of spinal cord injury (SCI) has shown an increasing trend, and the resulting motor impairment cause significant harm to patients themselves and public health. Although the current clinical treatments for motor disorders after SCI are diverse, mainly focusing on improving dysfunction and improving patients' daily living ability through external stimulation, there is still a lack of radical solutions. Epidural electrical stimulation (EES) as an emerging treatment technology, has been shown in a number of international clinical studies on the SCI significant potential of motor function recovery, has significant curative effect, convenient, widely applicable, adjustable advantages, the rehabilitation of movement disorders after SCI has a lot of big benefits, in the spinal cord injury rehabilitation has great prospect. However, most of the domestic research are limited to the neurogenic bladder caused by abnormal autonomic nerve function after SCI, and mostly combine traditional Chinese and western medicine rehabilitation treatment, the emerging therapy of EES, this paper aims to review the basic principle of EES, potential mechanism of action and its c linical application progress in the treatment of movement disorders after SCI, in order to provide reference for the clinical application and scientific research of EES treatment of motor disorders after SCI.



    spinal cord injury (SCI); epidural electrical stimulation (EES); motor impairment, rehabilitation; review


    脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)是指由于创伤或非创伤性因素导致的脊髓功能及其结构的异常,进而影响损伤水平以下的脊髓功能(运动、感觉、大小便功能)等障碍

    1。一项基于人群的回顾性研究表明,在2011—2020年间每百万人中约有27人患SCI2,2013—2018年间我国的北京和天津创伤性SCI的发病率分别为60.6人/百万和23.7人/百万3,男性占比高于女性,且年龄多在34.7~54.4岁4,这无疑给患者及其家庭造成极大心理负担和经济压力。SCI是引起脊髓结构和功能的严重损害的高致残性病变,导致的症状包括四肢瘫或截瘫、感觉障碍、痉挛、异常运动模式、二便障碍、性功能障碍等5-6,甚至可造成终身感觉运动障碍,极大地损害了患者的身体、心理和社会参与能力。因此,亟待寻找最佳的康复治疗方法来解决这一问题与挑战。目前,临床治疗SCI的方法是多学科的,包括早期手术减压、血流动力学治疗、皮质类固醇神经保护疗法7等,但均未见显著的功效。值得注意的是,在SCI的多种动物模型中,硬膜外电刺激(epidural electrical stimulation, EES)已被证明可帮助运动功能恢复。此外,尽管只有少数临床病例研究支持这一结论,但这些研究均显示对SCI后运动功能障碍的康复的潜在疗效。然而由于相关研究病例较少,因此仍需进一步探讨EES对SCI后运动障碍康复的治疗潜力,并优化治疗参数,以更好服务于患者。

    1 硬膜外电刺激概述


    8。EES早期用于治疗神经性疼痛等疾病,随着EES技术的不断发展,逐步实现了EES下SCI患者多种运动功能的恢复,甚至在停止EES时,某些运动功能亦被保留了下来9。1967年,EES首次被美国食品和药品管理局(food and drug administration, FDA)使用并批准用于抑制顽固性疼痛。1976年,EES被引入以缓解多发性硬化症的痉挛。从那时起,EES已被证明可以改善SCI 患者的膝盖和脚踝的自主活动能力。1981年,应用直接脊髓刺激方法实现了脊髓诱发电位(spinal cord evoked potential, SCEP),从而消除了周围神经的影响,并收集了具有更好信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR)和更高振幅的诱发电位信号。此后,该项技术广泛应用于术中脊髓监测和其他临床治疗,如脊髓损伤后瘫痪10、阿片类药物呼吸抑制的对抗11、改善外周循环12等。

    2 硬膜外电刺激促进脊髓损伤后功能恢复的可能作用机制



    2.1 促进神经再生和修复



    2.2 调节神经元兴奋性



    2.3 减轻炎症反应


    20等。这些炎症反应会导致局部组织的疼痛、肿胀和损伤的加重。同时,炎症反应还可引起细胞凋亡、神经元的损伤和瘢痕组织的形成,进而影响神经再生与修复。因此,控制炎症反应,是治疗SCI的重要方法21-22。研究表明,电刺激可通过多种作用机制改善炎症反应,促进损伤修复。Huo等23研究发现电刺激可降低巨噬细胞抑制因子(macrophage inhibition factor, MIF)互变异构酶活性,减少白介素-1β和基质金属蛋白酶-9水平,从而减少SCI的继发炎症反应。Wan等24发现EES可通过抑制Tlr4/NF-κB p65脊髓通路,减少脊髓背侧促炎细胞因子IL1β、IL6和TNFα从而减轻神经炎症,降低疼痛反应。上述研究表明,EES可以通过调节炎症因子的表达和释放,减轻炎症反应,保护神经细胞免受炎症损伤。因此,未来应深入研究EES与炎症反应之间的潜在关系,为SCI的治疗提供新方向。

    2.4 促进神经可塑性


    25。突触是神经元之间的连接点,参与神经元之间的信息传递和神经网络的形成,因此突触可塑性是神经修复的核心。Zhou等26结合EES和肌肉刺激的双重电刺激在10~20 Hz电流刺激下促使了运动神经元树突分支结构的再生,增加了SCI后中间神经元和运动神经元之间突触形成,重建了前运动神经元和运动神经元之间的功能突触的连接。Amer等27通过对大鼠运动皮层植入硬膜外电极和肌电图电极,在θ爆发刺激下,不仅增强了皮质脊髓运动的输出,改善了大鼠的运动功能,且促进了皮质脊髓束轴突生长和皮质脊髓束-脊髓中间神经元突触的结构变化。由此可见,EES可通过轴突可塑性实现神经可塑,增强神经元的功能恢复和适应能力,改善运动功能。目前关于EES与神经可塑性之间如何作用的相关研究较少,未来应进一步阐明EES与神经可塑性的作用机制,以期EES治疗SCI提供坚实可靠的支撑。

    3 硬膜外电刺激在脊髓损伤中的应用

    3.1 硬膜外电刺激治疗脊髓损伤上肢运动障碍


    28,运动平面位于C6-8的SCI患者上肢关键肌肌肉力量较弱,对上肢运动的伸肘、捏、抓握等产生重要的影响。而瘫痪后的自主运动是基于上肢运动的开链运动(如抓握)和闭链运动(如手推轮椅)来实现的29,因此上肢功能是SCI患者康复报告的重点所在。李军等30通过问卷调查形式了解到上肢功能的改善和恢复是绝大部分四肢瘫患者最渴望的。SCI后手功能的恢复对SCI患者在家庭环境中的日常生活活动尤为重要,是SCI患者实现自我保护和生活自理的重中之重31。因此,需要将上肢功能的恢复作为SCI患者康复的关键与核心。SCI上肢运动障碍的治疗方法包括康复训练、电刺激、重复经颅磁刺激32等,其中EES作为电刺激的重要形式,对治疗SCI上肢运动障碍具有显著疗效(如表1)。Williams等33通过对猫的运动皮层植入电极的方式,使用运动皮层诱发的肌电位测量EES对皮质脊髓功能的调节,表明了EES可促进皮质脊髓运动驱动到前肢特定的肌肉,以改善前肢的运动功能。Lu34等通过在受试者硬膜外植入电极和脊髓刺激器,在不同的刺激参数下采用双电极组合的方式通过对握力、准确性、上肢运动研究量表(action research arm test,ARAT)等评估证明了EES可通过刺激颈脊髓改善SCI患者手功能。这是EES对调节受伤颈脊髓的生理状态以提高慢性颈椎 SCI 人类受试者的意志手控制力和握力的首次证明。

    表1  纳入的硬膜外电刺激治疗脊髓损伤上肢运动障碍汇总
    Table 1  Summary of included epidural electrical stimulation for upper limb motor impairment in SCI
    ResearchScope of damageModeStimulate the positionStimulus parameterObservational indicatorsResult
    Williams, et al.33 Cervical spinal cord Surgical implantation Dorsal electrode C2-C6, ventrally located on the sternum Biphasic pulse (3-7 pulses; 0.2 ms; 333 Hz) MEP for the biceps and radial extensor carpi

    1. The cathodic EES significantly increased the MEP amplitude above baseline (from 1 mA to 4 mA); the biceps motor output increased significantly with increased stimulation.

    2. Cathodic EES increased the motor output of the radial wrist extensor muscle, and 35 mA EES increased its MEP by 4%.

    3. The 3.4 mA anode EES inhibited MEP of the biceps and radial wrist extensors; 5 mA anode EES decreased the biceps sensitivity by 22%; and the radial extensor muscles by 28%.

    Lu, et al.34 Cervical spinal cord Surgical implantation Epidural lead C1-T2, epidural electrode array C1-T1 Dual-electrode combination stimulation (0.1-10.0 mA; 2-40 Hz; 210 μs) Grip strength, repetition, accuracy, ARAT score, and ISNCSCI

    1. Maximum grip strength, extrusion release times, and accuracy were all improved during EES treatment.

    2. EES improves EMG activity in the upper limb muscles.

    3. EES increased the ARAT score by 20% and increased the ISNCSCI upper limb motor score from 9 to 32 and 17 to 33, respectively.

    MEP: motor evoked potentials; ARAT: action research arm test; ISNCSCI: international standards for neurological classification of spinal cord injury.

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    3.2 硬膜外电刺激治疗脊髓损伤下肢运动障碍



    表2  纳入的硬膜外电刺激治疗脊髓损伤下肢运动障碍汇总
    Table 2  Summary of included epidural electrical stimulation for the treatment of lower limb movement disorders in SCI
    ResearchScope of damageModeStimulate the positionStimulus parameterObservational indicatorsResult
    Gorgey, et al.36 0772 C8;0773 T11 Surgical implantation T8-L10 segment and then permanently implanted in 0772 T11-L1 vertebral position;0773 T12-L1 (left lead) L1-L2 (right lead) Double-electrode was combined with stimulation EGM of lower limb or trunk muscles, exoskeleton-assisted walking performance, above-ground walking, and peak isometric torque

    1.At 30 Hz, 250 μs, 5.2 mA, EES cannot or rarely induce tonic activity; at 5.4 mA, induce a single muscle burst.

    2. 0772 Under EES, it will move with different configurations but no voluntary movement; 0773 may bend in the lateral position under EES, inducing bilateral muscle activity under 20 Hz 400 μs 1.3 mA.

    3. Both can adjust the torque under EES, and TTI is larger than voluntary attempts without EES or TTI induced by EES.

    4. 0772 Stand under EES without self-upper limb balance assistance; 0773 Stand parallel with EES and upper limb self-balance assistance.

    5. With exoskeleton assisted walking, both have larger steps and faster pace.

    Kathe, et al.37 Lumbar spinal cord Surgical implantation T10-L2 The 10 m walking test, weight-bearing ability, and WISCIⅡ score

    1. Improve the load-bearing capacity.

    2. Walking can be achieved with EES and auxiliary equipment.

    3. When stopping EES, lower limb motor scores increased significantly and walking was possible.

    EMG: electromyography; TTI: time-torque integral; WISCI Ⅱ: walking index for spinal cord injury Ⅱ.

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    3.3 硬膜外刺激治疗脊髓损伤下自主神经障碍



    表3  纳入的硬膜外刺激治疗脊髓损伤下自主神经障碍汇总
    Table 3  Summary of epidural stimuli for the treatment of autonomic disorders under SCI
    ResearchScope of damageModeStimulate the positionStimulus parameterObservational indicatorsResult
    Chandrasekaran, et al.40 Upper limb amputation Surgical implantation The dorsal epidural space of the C5-C8 spinal cord Unipolar, multipolar electrodes were combined with stimulation (0-6 mA; 1-300 Hz; 50-1 000 µs) Sensory perceptual response The lateral EES evoked absent limb sensations and remained stable during the testing period.
    Angeli, et al.41 Motor-complete SCI Surgical implantation Percutaneous spinal cord stimulation C3 and C5; at the T11-L1 vertebral level above the EES lumbosacral spinal cord (L1-S1 spinal segment) Bidirectional pulse (1 ms; 5 kHz) The EMG of the lower limb muscles

    1. Action evoked potential inhibition by EES stimulation during cervical percutaneous spinal stimulation.

    2. Reduced variability of non-weight-bearing intentional step motor output and improved coordination under both stimuli.

    David, et al.42 C6-T10 Surgical implantation T5 level 16-400 Hz; 200-500 µs; 2-15 mA Assessment of volitional muscle activity, BP, hemodynamic assessment, cognitive function tests, neurogenic bowel dysfunction score

    1. Activation of EES produces voluntary movement, and certain muscle groups can be activated by command during acute stimulation.

    2. EES quickly applied stimulation according to the beak to restore blood pressure, and the symptoms of nausea and vomiting subsided.

    3. Lying flat and leaning stimulated the beak higher than untilted EES cognitive function.

    BP : ambulatory blood pressure; EMG: electromyography.

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    3.4 硬膜外刺激联合其他疗法治疗脊髓损伤


    43表4)。Sinopoulou等44在皮质EES联合康复和软骨素酶ABC在SCI后大鼠前肢运动障碍的研究中,手术的方式在SCI大鼠植入硬膜外电极和EMG电极,通过对握力任务期间的动作诱发电位(motor evoked potentials, MEP)和最大自主收缩(maximum voluntary contraction, MVC)来评估肌肉活动,自主和诱发肌肉活动的纵向监测显示,与单一治疗或不治疗相比,联合治疗显著增加了肌肉活动和上肢灵活性。Inanici等45在经皮脊髓刺激恢复SCI后手和手臂的功能的一项临床研究中,通过对受试者进行强化功能任务训练和经皮脊髓电刺激,以力量、敏感性和理解能力为主要结局指标进行评价,结果表明与单独训练相比,刺激后的捏力、手臂和手的功能及灵活性表现明显更高,与基线水平相比,在刺激与训练相结合期间,捏力提高了 2.4~4.8倍。因此证明了经皮颈脊髓刺激与强化运动相结合恢复并提高了6名完全性和不完全性颈脊椎SCI患者的上肢功能。Pei等46在SCI患者EES后肌电图(EMG)诱导康复治疗的前瞻性随机对照试验中,将接受EES的SCI患者分为两组,对照组将接受常规康复治疗。肌电诱导康复组将接受基于常规康复治疗的上下肢靶肌电图诱导的康复治疗。通过使用 St. Jude Medical Eon Mini™ 神经刺激系统将16个接触网格将植入脊髓的背面,以上肢肌肉(肱二头肌、肱三头肌和趾伸肌)和下肢肌肉(如股四头肌、腓肠肌和腘绳肌)为目标肌肉,以肌电图诱导的康复训练对目标肌肉进行康复训练,监测肌肉力量恢复和生活质量的提高,以期为EES下SCI患者的康复方案提供依据。

    表4  纳入的硬膜外刺激联合其他疗法治疗脊髓损伤汇总
    Table 4  Summary of included epidural stimulation combined with other therapies for SCI
    ResearchScope of damageModeStimulate the positionStimulus parameterObservational indicatorsResult
    Eleni, et al.44 C7 Surgical implantation On the dura mater above the caudal forelimb region 2 s/5 pulses; 500 Hz; 2.2 ms bidirectional pulses MEP, MVC, EMG

    1. MVC under AUC showed a significant increase in muscle vitality by animals in the triple treatment combination group.

    2. MVC muscle recordings at the time point of acute to chronic injury showed an increase in voluntary muscle activity in animals receiving the triple treatment combination.

    3 .Chronic muscle recordings revealed increased evoked muscle activity in animals receiving the triple treatment combination.

    Fatma, et al.45 Cervical spinal cord Surgical implantation The cathode electrode was placed at the midline of the neck skin, one above the level of injury and one below the level of injury; the anode electrode was placed symmetrically on the anterior iliac crest of the pelvis Two-way or one-way pulse of 1 ms 30 Hz; 10 kHz The ading of strength, sensation, grasp redefines assessment, lateral pinch, spasticity

    1. Percutaneous spinal cord stimulation improved hand strength and grasping ability, increasing upper limb motor scores by 3 points and increasing pinch strength by 2.4-4.8 times from baseline.

    2. Percutaneous spinal cord stimulation improved muscle tone and improved the average participant spasticity by 5.3 points.

    3. Percutaneous spinal stimulation improved autonomic function, improved urination control in participants 2 and 3 and reduced residual urine volume.

    Pei, et al.46 SCI Surgical implantation The back of the spinal cord 20-60 Hz; 200-300 μs; 0.1-1.0 mA MMT

    MVC: maximum voluntary contraction; MMT: manual muscle testing; AUC: area under the concentration-time curve; EMG: electromyography.

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    4 小结与展望





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