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Clinical Research | Updated:2024-07-30
    • Characteristics of Early Cardiac Involvement in 45 Patients With Fabry Disease Monitored by Ultrasonic Cardiogram

    • LI Jie

      1 ,  

      YE Min

      1 ,  

      FAN Rui

      1 ,  

      ZHANG Jingwei

      1 ,  

      LIU Yanqiu

      1 ,  

      CHEN Yili

      2 ,  

      DONG Yugang

      2 ,  

      YAO Fengjuan

      1 ,  
    • Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences)   Vol. 45, Issue 4, Pages: 613-621(2024)
    • DOI:10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240711.001    

      CLC: R541
    • Published:20 July 2024

      Received:05 May 2024

      Accepted:25 June 2024

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  • LI Jie,YE Min,FAN Rui,et al.Characteristics of Early Cardiac Involvement in 45 Patients With Fabry Disease Monitored by Ultrasonic Cardiogram[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2024,45(04):613-621. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240711.001.




    To evaluate the changes in cardiac structure and ventricular function in patients with Anderson-Fabry Disease (AFD) by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) and to explore the characteristics of their early cardiac involvement.



    All 45 patients diagnosed with AFD in this observational study underwent routine ultrasonic cardiogram (UCG) examination and 2D-STE. The patients were divided into 2 groups based on UCG measurements: with left ventricular hypertrophy (interventricular septum or posterior left ventricular wall thickness ≥12 mm) and without left ventricular hypertrophy. TomTec software was used to analyze the echocardiographic images, then the baseline data, UCG routine parameters and myocardial strain of the two groups were compared.



    The study included 27 males (60.0%) and 18 females (40.0%), with an average age of (32.33±16.11), 17 cases (37.78%) with left ventricular hypertrophy and 28 cases (62.22%) without left ventricular hypertrophy. All patients had normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (> 50%). Compared with those without left ventricular hypertrophy, patients with left ventricular hypertrophy had significantly more target organ involvement, significantly higher E/A and average E/E' ratios (P < 0.05). No statistical difference was found in global and segmental longitudinal strain (LS), circumferential strain (CS) and radial strain (RS) of the endocardium and myocardium between the two groups (all P > 0.05). There were lower absolute values of global and segmental LS and CS in the myocardium than in the endocardium (all P < 0.05), and higher absolute values of LS and RS in the mid segment than in the basal and apical segments (all P < 0.05).



    There is no significant association between early systolic dysfunction and left ventricular wall thickness. 2D-STE strain can be used to detect AFD in the early stage. Ventricular wall myocardium exhibits more serious involvement than endocardium and mid segment was less involved than the apical and basal segments.



    Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD); left ventricular hypertrophy; two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (2D-STE); strain; left ventricular dysfunction


    法布雷病(Fabry’s disease, FD)又称Anderson-Fabry病(Anderson-Fabry disease, AFD),是一种常见的溶酶体蓄积性疾病,也称为弥漫性血管角化瘤或 α-半乳糖苷酶 A(alpha-galactosidase A, α-Gal)缺乏症。临床表现是由位于X染色体上编码的溶酶体酶 α-半乳糖苷酶 A的 GLA 基因突变引起。该突变导致先天性鞘糖脂代谢途径缺陷,使球状神经酰胺(ceramide, Gb3)和相关鞘糖脂在多种细胞的溶酶体中蓄积,包括自主神经节、肾小球、心肌细胞、角膜内血管内皮细胞等,引起组织积聚和多器官损伤,影响心血管、肾脏、胃肠道、脑血管、神经、听觉、眼部和皮肤系统。其中心脏受累是AFD相关死亡的主要原因之一

    1。AFD的特异性心脏受累是一种进行性肥厚型心肌病,伴有心力衰竭和传导障碍2。在部分患者中,左室肥厚可能是唯一被识别的疾病表现,形态学表现为左心室(left ventricular, LV) 同心重塑或肥大,通常位于下侧壁3-4。与不对称肥厚型心肌病不同,AFD患者的左心室壁肥大分布更均匀,且较少出现为不对称性间隔肥大或偏心性肥大3。常规经胸超声心动图是识别AFD心肌病典型特征的一线影像学检查,包括结构和功能改变,例如不明原因的左心室肥厚(left ventricle hypertrophy, LVH)伴右心室游离壁增厚、左心室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction, LVEF)保留至疾病终末期和进行性舒张功能障碍5-6。大多数AFD患者的左室射血分数在疾病早期是正常的,但这并不意味着患者心脏没有受累7。AFD患者的左心室舒张功能在疾病早期可以出现受损。Palecek等8发表的一项研究中,44例AFD患者的81例超声心动图检查中有35%的左心室充盈模式正常,而56%的左心室舒张功能受损。然而这些超声心动图表现可能发生在其他心肌病中,对 AFD 的诊断特异性较低。因此常规心脏UCG诊断早期AFD患者的LVH具有较大挑战性。二维斑点追踪超声心动图(two-dimensional strain imaging, 2D-STE)可早期识别心肌功能障碍,已被广泛应用于心肌功能的评估9。Shanks等10发表的一项研究发现,应变及应变率(strain rate, STR)能够识别AFD患者早期心功能下降,且STR与LVH无关;说明AFD患者中的STR结果是特异性的。因AFD比较罕见,目前应用2D-STE评估AFD心室应变特征的研究报道仍较少。本研究拟采用2D-STE评估AFD患者的心室应变特征,探讨其在AFD诊断中的价值。

    1 材料与方法

    1.1 研究对象



    1.2 临床数据收集



    1.3 超声数据收集

    根据美国超声心动图学会(ASE)/欧洲心血管影像学协会(EACVI)指南进行常规测量。采用 GE Vivid E95 彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,M5S 探头;飞利浦EPIC 7C 彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,S5-1 探头进行检查。图像帧率均≥ 50 帧/秒。所有患者均取左侧卧位,连接心电图,保持平静呼吸,采集至少三个心动周期的图像。常规测量二尖瓣舒张早期峰值 E 峰 (mitral valve-E, MV-E)和二尖瓣舒张晚期 A 峰(mitral valve-A, MV-A),计算E/A;使用组织多普勒测量二尖瓣环舒张早期峰值速度 ( peak velocity, E') ,计算E/E'平均值。于左室长轴切面测量左室舒张末直径、室间隔厚度及左室后壁厚度。左室壁增厚(LVH)被定义为左室壁厚度≥12 mm。嘱患者屏气后采集并存储胸骨旁短轴二尖瓣、乳头肌、心尖部切面以及心尖四腔、三腔、两腔切面连续 3 个稳定的心动周期图像。在每次超声心动图检查开始时测量血压(blood press, BP)和心率(heart rate, HR)。


    2D-STE分析是使用专用软件进行:TomTec-Arena TM(TomTec成像系统,德国Unterschleissheim)的2D心脏性能分析。依次选择胸骨旁短轴二尖瓣、乳头肌、心尖部切面以及心尖三腔、四腔和两腔切面图像,软件自动勾画心内膜和心外膜轮廓并手动调整,得到心肌和心内膜的应变-时间曲线,同时将节段做功数值导出,计算左室三节段(基底段、中间段和心尖段)应变参数,最后获取:左心室心肌层(muscular layer, myo)和心内膜(endocardium, endo)的整体纵向应变(global longitudinal strain, GLS)、整体周向应变(global circumferential strain, GCS),左心室基底段、中间段和心尖段的纵向应变(LS)、周向应变(CS)、径向应变(radial strain, RS),右心室心肌层(myo)和心内膜(endo)的整体纵向应变(GLS)。在本研究中,应变测量值以绝对值报告。


    1.4 统计分析

    采用IBM SPSS 25.0 统计软件进行数据分析。所有计量资料使用 Kolmogorov-Smirnov 检验进行正态性检验,连续变量表示为平均值±标准差,分类变量表示为绝对数字和百分比。根据数据类型及分布使用非配对t检验、Mann-Whitney U检验或方差分析比较连续变量,而使用χ2检验或Fisher精确检验评估分类变量。双尾P<0.05被认为具有统计学意义。


    2 结 果

    2.1 患者的临床基线特征

    45例AFD患者中,年龄(32.33±16.11)岁,其中男性27例(60.0%)。左室壁肥厚组共17例(37.78%),年龄(42.35±11.89)岁,男性13例(76.50%)。无左室壁肥厚组共28例(62.22%),平均年龄(26.25±15.41)岁,男性14例(50.0%)。常见临床表现包括蛋白尿、心脏瓣膜病、心脏传导功能异常、眼部病变、胃肠道症状、角质血管瘤等。与无左室壁肥厚组相比,左室壁肥厚组患者的部分临床表现明显增加(蛋白尿,9 vs 6,P=0.030;心脏瓣膜病,9 vs 3,P=0.002;心脏传导功能异常,5 vs 1,P=0.013;眼部病变,8 vs 5,P=0.036;肾功能不全,7 vs 4,P=0.042;眩晕,9 vs 4,P=0.006;抑郁、焦虑,7 vs 3,P=0.017;注意力下降,8 vs 2,P=0.002;角质血管瘤,7 vs 3,P=0.017;乏力,4 vs 0,P=0.000;手术史,3 vs 0,P=0.021)。AFD患者的其他临床基线资料详见表1


    表 1  AFD患者临床基线资料
    Table 1  Clinical characteristics of AFD patients ( n (%),x¯±s )
    ItemsTotal (n=45)With left ventricular hypertrophy(n=17)Without left ventricular hypertrophy(n=28)t / χ2P
    Basic characteristics
    Male 27 (60.0) 13 (76.5) 14 (50.0) 3.088 0.079
    Age/years 32.33±16.11 42.35±11.89 26.25±15.41 -3.684 0.001
    Height/cm 160.40±16.33 167.56±7.90 156.00±18.63 -2.784 0.008
    Weight/kg 53.34±16.27 60.53±13.38 48.91±16.53 -2.369 0.023
    BMI/(kg/m2 20.29±3.73 21.38±3.52 19.59±3.76 -1.528 0.135
    SBP/mmHg 113.90±17.56 119.07±19.08 111.00±16.34 -1.394 0.172
    DBP/mmHg 70.64±10.83 74.50±12.64 68.48±9.25 -1.707 0.096
    HR/bpm 80.34±11.80 80.31±11.66 80.38±12.29 0.015 0.988
    Clinical characteristics
    Proteinuria 15 (33.3) 9 (52.9) 6 (21.4) 4.727 0.030
    Heart valve diseases 12 (26.7) 9 (52.9) 3 (10.7) 9.645 0.002
    Cardiac conduction dysfunction 6 (13.3) 5 (29.4) 1 (3.6) 6.112 0.013
    Cerebrovascular disease 6 (13.3) 4 (23.5) 2 (7.1) 2.458 0.117
    Ocular lesions 13 (28.9) 8 (47.1) 5 (17.9) 4.391 0.036
    Renal insufficiency 11 (24.4) 7 (41.2) 4 (14.3) 4.141 0.042
    Vertigo 13 (28.9) 9 (52.9) 4 (14.3) 7.694 0.006
    Tinnitus 14 (31.1) 8 (47.1) 6 (21.4) 3.242 0.072
    Gastrointestinal symptoms 11 (24.4) 6 (35.3) 5 (17.9) 1.741 0.187
    Depression and anxiety 10 (22.2) 7 (41.2) 3 (10.7) 5.679 0.017
    Attention decreased 10 (22.2) 8 (47.1) 2 (7.1) 9.751 0.002
    Hypohidrosis or anhidrosis 21 (46.7) 9 (52.9) 12 (42.9) 0.432 0.511
    Angiokeratoma 10 (22.2) 7 (41.2) 3 (10.7) 5.679 0.017
    Severe limb pain 21 (46.7) 8 (47.1) 13 (46.4) 0.002 0.967
    Hypodynamia 4 (8.9) 4 (23.5) 0 (0.0) 7.271 0.007
    Previous surgery 3 (6.7) 3 (17.6) 0 (0.0) 5.294 0.021
    Family history 34 (75.6) 12 (70.6) 22 (78.6) 0.365 0.546

    AFD: Anderson-Fabry Disease; BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; bpm: beat per minute; P: compared between with left ventricular hypertrophy group and without left ventricular hypertrophy group.

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    2.2 患者的超声特征

    纳入研究的患者的LVEF(%)均正常(69.71 ± 6.42),且两组间差异无统计学意义(69.82 ± 7.16 vs 69.64 ± 6.07,P=0.928;表2)。与无左室壁肥厚组相比,左室壁肥厚组患者的E/A,平均E/E'明显升高(P<0.05)。与无左室壁肥厚组相比,左室壁肥厚组的整体、心肌层、心内膜以及各节段的LS、CS、RS间差异均无统计学意义(P 值均>0.05;表2)。


    表2  AFD患者超声心动图资料
    Table 2  Echocardiographic characteristics of AFD patients ( n (%),x¯±s )
    ItemsTotal (n=45)With left ventricular hypertrophy(n=17)Without left ventricular hypertrophy(n=28)tP
    AO/mm 31.00±5.82 34.24±5.35 29.04±5.23 -3.198 0.003
    AAO/mm 33.17±6.03 34.57±5.44 31.20±6.87 -0.951 0.364
    LA/mm 32.73±5.27 36.00±4.60 30.75±4.68 -3.673 0.001
    RV/mm 20.60±2.89 21.35±1.84 20.14±3.32 -1.573 0.123
    IVS/mm 11.38±4.56 15.88±3.98 8.64±2.00 -8.113 0.000
    LVIDd/mm 45.87±6.22 46.59±5.75 45.43±6.55 -0.602 0.550
    LVIDs/mm 27.76±4.84 28.29±5.21 27.43±4.67 -0.577 0.567
    LVPW/mm 9.44±2.56 11.82±1.74 8.00±1.79 -7.032 0.000
    The long axis Of RA/mm 41.53±5.64 43.65±3.33 40.25±6.39 -2.337 0.024
    The minor axis Of RA/mm 33.04±4.89 34.65±3.45 32.07±5.42 -1.751 0.087
    PA/mm 21.16±3.15 22.18±2.33 20.54±3.45 -1.734 0.090
    LVEF 69.71±6.42 69.82±7.16 69.64±6.07 -0.090 0.928
    SV/mL 68.76±20.72 71.24±19.06 67.25±21.86 -0.621 0.538
    TAPSE/mm 19.95±3.19 19.93±3.83 19.96±2.87 0.030 0.976
    E/(cm/s) 88.31±20.00 81.06±22.36 92.71±17.40 1.955 0.057
    A/(cm/s) 63.38±16.26 72.06±18.06 58.11±12.70 -3.041 0.004
    E/A 1.49±0.54 1.16±0.34 1.69±0.55 3.518 0.001
    E'-septal/(cm/s) 8.73±3.42 5.88±2.26 10.50±2.77 5.795 0.000
    E'-lateral/(cm/s) 11.84±4.35 8.29±3.35 14.00±3.38 5.511 0.000
    S'/(cm/s) 11.96±2.02 11.53±2.38 12.21±1.77 1.104 0.276
    E/E' average 10.03±4.45 13.32±5.55 8.03±1.76 -3.814 0.001
    PASP/mmHg 24.70±5.51 25.38±4.27 24.33±6.17 -0.424 0.676
    Papillary muscle disease 10(22.2) 6(35.3) 4(14.3) 2.701 0.100
    LV Absolute Strain Value/ %
    LS-endo 19.32±3.79 18.60±3.27 19.76±4.07 0.993 0.326
    LS-endo-api 25.03±5.39 23.27±4.75 26.11±5.55 1.756 0.086
    LS-endo-med 17.37±6.50 18.43±8.84 16.72±4.63 -0.854 0.398
    LS-endo-bas 14.28±4.26 14.39±3.65 14.21±4.66 -0.135 0.894
    LS-myo 14.57±3.55 13.65±3.18 15.12±3.71 1.361 0.181
    LS-myo-api 14.70±3.85 13.45±3.02 15.46±4.45 1.734 0.090
    LS-myo-med 15.73±5.50 14.46±4.48 16.50±5.99 1.215 0.231
    LS-myo-bas 12.36±4.12 12.09±3.59 12.52±4.47 0.336 0.739
    CS-endo 30.14±6.24 30.62±6.03 29.84±6.47 -0.401 0.690
    CS-endo-api 32.22±8.67 32.63±8.14 31.96±9.13 -0.248 0.805
    CS-endo-med 29.34±7.61 29.71±8.39 29.10±7.24 -0.257 0.799
    CS-endo-bas 23.66±7.49 25.47±6.27 22.52±8.07 -1.281 0.207
    CS-myo 17.18±3.16 17.45±2.86 17.01±3.38 -0.439 0.663
    CS-myo-api 17.92±4.88 17.12±4.91 18.42±4.89 0.853 0.399
    CS-myo-med 16.99±4.04 17.69±4.39 16.56±3.83 -0.903 0.372
    CS-myo-bas 14.87±4.03 16.12±3.69 14.07±4.10 -1.676 0.101
    RS-endo-api 17.25±10.94 16.05±10.91 18.03±11.09 0.574 0.569
    RS-endo-med 23.75±9.40 24.58±11.52 23.22±7.89 -0.463 0.646
    RS-endo-bas 17.37±10.63 17.93±11.12 17.05±10.54 -0.258 0.797
    RS-myo-api 17.27±10.89 16.12±10.80 18.03±11.09 0.556 0.581
    RS-myo-med 23.42±9.29 24.58±11.52 22.69±7.73 -0.654 0.517
    RS-myo-bas 17.14±10.51 17.93±11.12 16.67±10.32 -0.373 0.711
    RV absolute strain value/%
    LS-RV-endo 20.10±5.32 19.95±4.37 20.18±5.87 0.138 0.891
    LS-RV-myo 14.80±4.81 13.99±.97 15.26±4.74 0.841 0.405

    AFD: Anderson-Fabry Disease; AO: aorta; AAO: ascending aorta; LA: left atrial; RV: right ventricular; IVS: interventricular septum thickness; LVIDd: left ventricular diastolic internal dimension; LVIDs: left ventricular systolic internal dimension; LVPW: left ventricular posterior wall thickness; RA: right atrial; PA: pulmonary artery; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; SV: Stroke volume; TAPSE: tricuspid annular systolic excursion; E: the peak early filling velocity of transmitral flow; A: the peak atrial filling velocity of transmitral flow; E': the average peak early filling velocity of septal and lateral mitral annulus; S’: tricuspid lateral annular systolic velocity; PASP: pulmonary artery systolic pressure; LS: longitudinal strain; CS: circumferential strain; RS: radial strain; endo: endocardium; myo: myocardium; api: apical segment; med: intermediate segment; bas: basal segment; P: compared between with left ventricular hypertrophy group and without left ventricular hypertrophy group.

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    AFD患者左心室和右心室心肌层的整体和各节段LS、CS的绝对值均低于心内膜的对应值(P 值均<0.05;表3)。


    表3  AFD患者心室整体及各节段的心肌层和心内膜应变值比较
    Table 3  Comparison of the myocardial and endocardial strain values of the whole ventricle and each segment in AFD patients ( n (%),x¯±s )
    Absolute strain value/ %Myocardial strain (n=45)Endocardial strain (n=45)tP
    LV-LS 14.57±3.55 19.32±3.79 6.140 0.000
    Api 14.70±3.85 25.03±5.39 10.473 0.000
    Med 15.73±5.50 17.37±6.50 2.290 0.021
    Bas 12.36±4.12 14.28±4.26 2.171 0.033
    LV-CS 17.18±3.16 30.14±6.24 12.285 0.000
    Api 17.92±4.88 32.22±8.67 9.529 0.000
    Med 16.99±4.04 29.34±7.61 9.498 0.000
    Bas 14.87±4.03 23.66±7.49 6.852 0.000
    RV-LS 14.80±4.81 20.10±5.32 4.901 0.000

    AFD: Anderson-Fabry Disease; LV: left ventricular; RV: right ventricular; LS: longitudinal strain; CS: circumferential strain; Api: apical segment; Bas: basal segment; Med: intermediate segment; P: compared between myocardial strain group and endocardial strain group.

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    除左心室中间段的心肌层CS外,AFD患者左心室心肌层中间段的LS、RS绝对值均较基底段和心尖段高(P 值均<0.05;表4)。


    表4  AFD患者左心室各节段心肌的应变值比较
    Table 4  Comparison of strain values of left ventricular segments in AFD patients ( n (%),x¯±s )
    Absolute strain value/ %Api(n=45)Med(n=45)Bas(n=45)FP
    LS 14.70±3.85 15.73±5.50 12.36±4.12 6.483 0.002
    CS 17.92±4.88 16.99±4.04 14.87±4.03 5.726 0.004
    RS 17.27±10.89 23.42±9.29 17.14±10.51 5.353 0.006

    AFD: Anderson-Fabry Disease; LS: longitudinal strain; CS: circumferential strain; RS: radial strain; Api: apical segment; Bas: basal segment; Med: intermediate segment; P: compared among Api group, Med group and Bas group.

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    9。一项对AFD患者和健康受试者进行2D-STE和心脏MRI综合心肌分析的研究表明,常规心脏参数及LVEF正常,AFD患者的心室功能也显著降低13。本研究结果显示,两组AFD患者 LVEF无明显差异。左室应变分析发现AFD患者的LS、CS 和RS在左室壁肥厚组和无左室壁肥厚组间无明显差异,说明AFD患者的左室应变与心肌厚度间无直接关系。分层分析发现心室肌层的LS、CS 和RS较心内膜明显下降,提示AFD患者的心脏损害以肌层受累为主。AFD患者的发病机理可能解释这种差异。AFD的病理生理学发现,结构变化(例如Gb3的积累)会影响心脏所有细胞类型,包括左心室(LV)和右心室(RV)的心肌细胞14。如本研究结果所示,心肌应变降低可能主要是由于AFD患者的心肌内球状神经酰胺贮积所致,心室相互依赖和/或后负荷增加起次要作用。由于基因突变,AFD患者的Gb3和相关鞘糖脂在心肌细胞中沉积,肌细胞鞘糖脂的积累在早期宏观上表现为左室壁肥厚,在疾病后期表现为心肌纤维化15。心肌损伤可能是Gb3和相关鞘糖脂在细胞内异常聚集的结果16。因此,无论是否存在LVH,Gb3和相关鞘糖脂的沉积都已经发生。并且,由于Gb3和相关鞘糖脂在心肌细胞中的沉积,使得心室肌最先受累,并且程度较心内膜更为严重,这与本研究的结果一致15




    19。在 LVEF 保留的情况下,AFD患者左心室舒张功能在病变早期就可出现受损3。Palecek等8亦报道了44例AFD患者的81例超声心动图检查中有35%的左心室充盈模式正常,而56%的左心室舒张功能受损。其中,4%的患者有限制性充盈模式,60%有伪正常充盈模式,36%有松弛受损。本研究中,左室壁肥厚组的E/A,平均E/e'较无左室壁肥厚组明显升高,说明左室壁肥厚的AFD患者左心室舒张功能受损,而这种左心室舒张功能障碍与心肌厚度存在一定关系。舒张功能受损,出现在疾病的早期阶段,可以预测LVH。在疾病晚期,左心室舒张功能障碍的严重程度逐渐增加,是与症状性心力衰竭密切相关。因此,通过组织多普勒对舒张功能评估,是AFD患者的UCG检查必要步骤。







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