图1 疏血通以浓度依赖抑制5 K诱导的CGNs凋亡
Published:20 July 2024,
Received:20 May 2024,
Accepted:23 June 2024
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To investigate the effect and mechanism of Shuxuetong and its main component hirudin on the apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats.
CGNs incubated in vitro for 7 days were divided into survival control group or 25 K group (cultured in medium containing 25 mmol/L KCL) and apoptosis group or 5 K group (cultured in medium containing 5 mmol/L KCL). CGNs were separately treated with proportionally diluted and different concentrations of Shuxuetong (1/50, 1/40, 1/30, 1/20 and 1/10) and the corresponding different concentrations of hirudin (2, 2.5, 3.34, 5 and 10 U / mL). Hoechst staining was performed to analyze the apoptosis. Western blot was used to detect the expression levels of Cleaved Caspase-3, Bim and VEGF.
Hoechst staining showed that 5 K group had a higher apoptosis rate than 25 K group. In 25 K group, there was no significant change in the apoptosis rate between neurons treated with different concentrations of Shuxuetong and hirudin, but significant changes was found in 5 K group and the higher the concentration, the lower the apoptosis rate. Western blot results revealed that, compared with control neurons in 5 K group, Shuxuetong injection and hirudin treatments resulted in a decrease of Cleaved Caspase-3 and Bim expression, but an increase of VEGF protein.
Shuxuetong and its main component hirudin inhibits the apoptosis of CGNs through suppressing proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bim.
cerebellar granule neurons;
1.1.1 实验动物
7~8日龄Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠幼仔(雌雄不拘),无特定病原体(SPF)级,购自南方医科大学实验动物中心,生产许可号为SCXK(粤)2016-0041。实验温度维持在(25±5)°C,相对湿度维持在(50±5)%,确定未见任何异常情况后进行相关研究实验。本研究的动物实验已得到广州医科大学附属第二医院伦理委员会批准(伦理编号:A2021-009)。1.1.2 主要药物与试剂 疏血通购自牡丹江友搏制药厂,天然水蛭素购自中国广西科康科技集团有限公司。培养基BME、FBS、0.25%胰酶、PBS、青霉素-链霉素P/S和L-glutamine均购自Gibco公司,Trypsin、阿糖胞苷、Poly-L-lysine、ECL发光试剂、DNase、D-(+)glucose和Hoechst 33258荧光染料均购自Sigma公司,BSA、CaCl2、KCl、Trypsin inhibitor、MgSO4•7H2O均购自上海生工公司。24孔板和6孔板购自NEST公司,Anti-Caspase3、Anti-Bim、Anti-血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)均购自CST公司 ,Anti-β-Actin、Anti-GAPDH、Anti-α-Tubulin购自Proteintech公司。
1.2.1 小脑颗粒神经元培养
小脑颗粒神经元(cerebellar granule neurons, CGNs)制备以及培养参考已发表文章[
1.2.2 钾剥夺凋亡模型建立及药物处理方法
1.2.3 Western blotting检测相关蛋白表达量
Western blotting实验参考已发表文章[
1.2.4 Hoechst染色CGNs并计算细胞凋亡率
在室温下用40 g/L多聚甲醛固定30 min。去除40 g/L多聚甲醛后用PBS洗两遍后将细胞与Hoechst 33258在室温下孵育15 min,在荧光倒置显微镜下观察神经元的凋亡情况。典型的细胞凋亡特征为细胞核皱缩,染色体凝聚形成凋亡小体。进行形态学观察和计数,计算凋亡率。凋亡率=凋亡细胞/细胞总数×100%。
将体外培养7天的CGNs切换到含有25 mmol/L KCl(25 K)和5 mmol/L KCl(5 K)的无血清BME培养基中,用稀释50、40、30、20、10倍数的疏血通注射液(1/50、1/40、1/30、1/20、1/10)和生理盐水(NS组)分别处理24 h后进行Hoechst染色。观察细胞形态以及细胞活力与各组之间的相关性。经方差分析,12组间差异有统计学意义(F=359.113,P=0.000;
图1 疏血通以浓度依赖抑制5 K诱导的CGNs凋亡
Fig. 1 Shuxuetong inhibited 5 K-induced apoptosis of CGNs in a concentration-dependent manner
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without Shuxuetong injection for 24 hours and analyzed by Hoechst staining, scale bar is 5 μm. B: a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K NS. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K NS. c P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 1/50. d P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 1/40. e P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 1/30. f P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 1/20. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=6.
图2 凋亡条件下疏血通抑制Cleaved Caspase-3表达
Fig. 2 Shuxuetong inhibited the expression of Cleaved Caspase-3 under apoptotic conditions
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without Shuxuetong injection for 12 hours, and the Cleaved Caspase-3 protein expression level was detected by Western blotting. B: The relative density of Cleaved Caspase-3 was analyzed by Image J software. a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K NS. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K NS. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=3.
图3 凋亡条件下疏血通抑制Bim表达
Fig. 3 Shuxuetong inhibited the expression of Bim under apoptotic conditions
A:CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without Shuxuetong injection for 12 hours, and the Bim protein expression level was detected by Western blotting. B:The relative density of Bim was analyzed by ImageJ software. a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K NS. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K NS. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=3.
图4 凋亡条件下疏血通抑制VEGF表达
Fig. 4 Shuxuetong inhibited the expression of VEGF under apoptotic conditions
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without Shuxuetong injection for 12 hours, and the VEGF protein expression level was detected by Western blotting. B: The relative density of VEGF was analyzed by ImageJ software. a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K NS. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K NS. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=3.
为了进一步探讨疏血通的主要成分水蛭素对CGNs存活和凋亡的影响,将体外培养7天的CGNs切换到含有25 mmol/L KCl(25 K)和5 mmol/L KCl(5 K)的无血清BME培养基中,用参照不同浓度疏血通注射液对应的水蛭素(2 U/mL、2.5 U/mL、3.34 U/mL、5 U/mL、10 U/mL)分别处理24 h后进行Hoechst染色。观察细胞形态以及细胞活力与各组之间的相关性。经方差分析,12组间差异有统计学意义(F=628.761,P=0.000;
图5 水蛭素以浓度依赖抑制5 K诱导的CGNs凋亡
Fig. 5 Hirudin inhibited 5 K-induced apoptosis of CGNs in a concentration-dependent manner
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without hirudin injection for 24 hours and analyzed by Hoechst staining, scale bar is 5 μm. B: a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K control group. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K control group. c P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 2 U/mL. d P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 2.5 U/mL. e P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 3.34 U/mL. f P < 0.05, compared with 5 K 5 U/mL. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=6.
图6 凋亡条件下水蛭素抑制Cleaved Caspase-3表达
Fig. 6 Hirudin inhibited the expression of Cleaved Caspase-3 under apoptotic conditions
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without hirudin for 12 hours, and the Cleaved Caspase-3 protein expression level was detected by Western blotting. B: The relative density of Cleaved Caspase-3 was analyzed by Image J software. a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K control group. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K control group. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=3.
图7 凋亡条件下水蛭素抑制Bim表达
Fig. 7 Hirudin inhibited the expression of Bim under apoptotic conditions
A: CGNs matured in vitro for 7 days were cultured in 25 K or 5 K medium containing different concentrations or without hirudin injection for 12 hours, and the Bim protein expression level was detected by Western blotting. B: The relative density of Bim was analyzed by ImageJ software. a P < 0.05, compared with 25 K control group. b P < 0.05, compared with 5 K control group. Data are shown as Mean ± SD. n=3.
水蛭素是一种直接凝血酶抑制剂,是从药用水蛭唾液腺中分离出来的多肽,由64-66个氨基酸组成,分子量约为7 000 Da,是目前最强的天然凝血酶抑制剂;水蛭素作为一种抗凝、抗血栓药物,通过有效影响凝血酶引起的内在凝血步骤,在临床中得到广泛应用[
图8 疏血通神经保护机制示意图
Fig. 8 The schematic diagram of Shuxuetong’s nerve protection mechanism
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