图1 1例双肺多发结节CT和病理资料
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40例患者共切除107个肺结节,85个为恶性。病理诊断有30例多原发肺癌,6例单原发肺癌。手术出血量(48.87±19.29)mL,中位数为[40(30~67.5)] mL,手术时间(147.70±54.24) min,中位数为[145(113.5~170)] min,淋巴结清扫数6.20±9.13,中位数为[3(0~12)]个,术后首日NRS评分5.08±2.23。胸腔引流总量为(375.95±243.69) mL,中位数为[292.5(215~517.5)] mL。平均胸引管留置时间为(3.38±1.49) min,中位数为[3(3~4)] d,术后平均住院时间为(4.08±1.81) d,中位数为[4(3~5)] d。围手术期无死亡病例,并发症包括2例切口感染,3例一过性房颤,1例肺持续漏气,1例咯血,所有患者均顺利出院。
To explore the application of simultaneous bilateral uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery in the treatment of bilateral multiple pulmonary nodules.
The clinical and pathological characteristics , and perioperative data were analyzed in thoracic surgery from August 2021 to August 2021 at Department of Thoracic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China. During the study period, 40 patients were included in the study, of which 12 were male, 28 were female, the average age was (52±8.8) [52.5(47.25~58)] years.
A total of 107 nodules were resected, with 85 malignancy nodules, including 30 patients with bilateral primary lung cancer, 6 patients with primary lung cancer on one side. All patients underwent bilateral uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (Uni-portal VATS), the average intraoperative blood loss was (48.87±19.29) [40(30~67.5)] mL, the average operation time was (147.70±54.24) [145(113.5~170)] min, the average number of resected lymph nodes was (6.20±9.13) [3(0~12)],the average NRS score in the 1th postoperative day was (5.08±2.23), the average pleural drainage was (375.95±243.69) [292.5(215.0~517.5)] mL. the average thoracic drainage time was(3.38±1.49) [3(3~4)] days, and the average postoperative hospital stay was (4.08±1.81) [4(3~5)] days. Postoperative complications including: 2 cases of infection, 3 cases of atrial fibrillation, 1 case of hemoptysis for more than 1 week and 1case of persistent air leakage for more than 3 days. All of them improved after treatment, and there were no serious complications and deaths in perioperative period.
Simultaneous bilateral pulmonary resections via uniportal VATS is a safe and feasible minimally invasive procedure for patients with bilateral multiple pulmonary nodules.
所有患者手术前行胸部薄层CT扫描加病灶三维重建,心电图,肺功能,腹腔彩超等检查,60岁以上的患者加做超声心动图检查;2 cm以上的实性结节的患者加做头颅磁共振、全身骨显像等检查,中央型病变另行支气管镜检查;术前常规行血检查。
患者静脉吸入复合麻醉,双腔气管插管或单腔管联合封堵管进行单肺通气,侧卧位,取腋前线与腋中线间第4或第5肋间长约3~4 cm小切口,切口放置切口保护套。胸腔镜探查胸腔有无积液、粘连和播散结节,根据术中结节情况选择切除范围如楔形切除、肺段切除或肺叶切除,若术中冰冻结果提示为浸润性肺癌继续行纵隔淋巴结清扫术。操作孔处留置26#引流管接水封瓶或硅橡胶引流管接球。一侧术毕后,重新翻身至对侧卧位,同法行对侧手术。
采用数字评定量表(numeric rating scale, NRS)评估患者术后疼痛强度。分为无痛(NRS=0)、轻度(NRS=1~3)、中度(NRS=4~6)和重度(NRS=7~10)疼痛4个等级。
术后常规行胸部X线(Chest X Radiograph , CXR)检查,双肺复张良好,胸腔无积气积液,每日胸引量200 mL以下且无漏气时拔除胸管。出院后定期随访。
SPSS 19.0统计学软件对数据进行分析。定量资料用均数±标准差(ˉx±s)和中位数(下四分位数~上四分位数)[M (P25~P75)]表示,分类资料用频数(n)和百分比(%)表示。
Characteristics | Patients |
Age/years | 52±8.8 [52.5(47.3~58.0)] |
Sex | |
Male | 12(30%) |
Female | 28(70%) |
Smoking history | |
Yes | 8(20%) |
No | 32(80%) |
Preoperative complications | |
Hypertension | 2 |
Diabetes | 3 |
Arrhythmia | 3 |
Cerebrovascular disease | 2 |
Number of nodules | |
2 | 26(65%) |
>2 | 14(35%) |
Classification | |
pGGN | 37(34.58%) |
mGGN | 54(50.47%) |
Solid nodule | 16(14.95%) |
Lesion location | |
Right upper lobe | 29(27.10%) |
Right middle lobe | 6(5.61%) |
Right lower lobe | 17(15.89%) |
Left upper lobe | 40(37.38%) |
Left lower lobe | 15(14.02%) |
Family history of cancer | |
Yes | 6(15%) |
No | 34(85%) |
Lesion size/cm | |
≤1 | 31(28.97%) |
(1,2] | 59(55.14%) |
(2,3] | 17(15.89%) |
GGN:ground glass nodule.
术前胸部CT共发现133个肺结节,其中手术切除107个肺结节,剩余未切除的26个肺结节是经术前评估无手术指征且不能简单楔形切除者。其中26例切除2个肺结节,14例切除2个以上结节。结节大小在1 cm以下有31个,1~2 cm有59个,2~3 cm有17个。分别位于右上肺29(27.10%),右中肺6(5.61%),右下肺17(15.89%),左上肺40(37.38%),左下肺15(14.02%)。影像学征象表现为纯磨玻璃( pure ground-glass nodule, pGGN)有37(34.58%),混合磨玻璃(mixed Ground-Glass Nodule, mGGN)有54(50.47%),实性结节有16(14.95%;
图1 1例双肺多发结节CT和病理资料
Fig. 1 CT and Pathologic characteristics of 1 patient with BMPN
One case of patient with BMPN. Preoperative CT image of mGGN in the right upper lobe, pGGN in the left lower lobe of a 52-year-old male. The size of mGGN(A) is 10 mm and pathology is adenocarcinoma(C, HE,×200),with the spiculated sign. The size of the pGGN(B) is 9.5 mm and pathology is MIA(D, HE,×200), with the vascular convergence sign. BMPN: bilateral multiple pulmonary nodules, CT: computed tomography, GGN:ground glass nodule, MIA: minimally invasive adenocarcinoma.
40例患者均接受同期双侧胸腔镜肺手术且R0切除,其中接受肺叶—亚肺叶切除者10例(肺叶—楔形8例,肺叶—肺段2例);亚肺叶—亚肺叶切除者30例(肺段—肺段3例,肺段—楔形11例,楔形—楔形16例)。40例患者的手术出血量48.87±19.29 mL,中位数为[40(30~68)] mL,手术时间(147.70±54.24) min,中位数为[145(114~170)] min,淋巴结清扫数6.20±9.13,中位数为[3(0~12)]个,术后首日NRS评分5.08±2.23。胸腔引流总量为375.95±243.69,中位数为[292.5(215.0~517.5)] mL。平均胸引管留置时间为3.38±1.49,中位数为[3(3~4)] d,术后平均住院时间为(4.08±1.81) d,中位数为[4(3~5)] d。围手术期无死亡和严重并发症病例,轻微并发症共7例,其中2例切口感染,3例一过性房颤,1例肺漏气超过1周,1例咯血超过1周,以上患者均治愈出院(
Variables | Patients |
Surgical procedures/s | |
L-W | 8 |
L-S | 2 |
S-S | 3 |
S-W | 11 |
W-W | 16 |
Operative time/min | 147.70±54.24 [145 (114~170)] min:44, max:275 |
Surgical blood loss/mL | 48.87±19.29 [40 (30~68)] min:45, max:140 |
Number of lymph nodes/n | 6.20±9.13 [3 (0~12)] min:0, max:18 |
Pleural drainage/mL | 375.95±243.69 [292.5 (215.0~517.5)] min:35, max:1 125 |
Chest tube duration/d | 3.38±1.49 [3 (3~4)] min:2, max:11 |
Postoperative admission duration/d | 4.08±1.81 [4 (3~5)] min:2, max:11 |
Postoperative complications | |
Pulmonary air leakage | 1 |
Hemoptysis | 1 |
Infection of incisional wound | 2 |
Arhythmia | 3 |
NRS score in the 1th postoperative day/d | 5.08±2.23 [5 (4~6)] min:3, max:8 |
L: lobectomy; S: segmentectomy; W: wedge resection;NRS:numeric rating scale.
Variables | Patients |
Pathological diagnosis | |
SMPLC | 30 (75%) |
Single primary lung cancer | 6 (15%) |
Bilateral benign nodules | 4 (10%) |
TNM stage | |
0 | 19 |
IA1 | 7 |
IA2 | 3 |
IA3 | 5 |
IB | 2 |
Pathological type | |
Adenocarcinoma | 19(17.76%) |
MIA | 42(39.25%) |
AIS | 24(22.43%) |
AAH | 18(16.82%) |
Others | 4(3.73%) |
AIS: adenocarcinoma in situ; AAH: atypical adenomatous hyperplasia MIA: minimally invasive adenocarcinoma; SMPLC: synchronous multiple primary lung cancers.
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